Sunday, March 4, 2012

NU'EST 1st Single [FACE] Teaser - SPAM-A-PIC-VIDEO

no No NO! I screamed at my computer screen....
Really....I can't take on another new rookie group 
gaaahhhhhh >.<
Ren the maknae...
Why is it always the maknae?
[Teaser] NU'EST 1st Single [FACE] Teaser

Uploaded by on Mar 2, 2012

I know really NOTHING about Pledis, ok I have heard of Pledis Boys, 
but I ignored it.....on purpose! >.<
Tara is NOT coming back and trying to cover 15 groups by myself is enough! o.O
(Tara was my staff-writer who took a hiatus and then resigned T_T)
Introducing NU'EST members

Uploaded by on Jan 29, 2012
(Cr: Elite-Rebels)

Do you have ANY idea how much research and time it takes to properly cover a new group??/?
Do you???? *sigh*
NU'EST OFFICIAL FACEBOOK Open Message _English Ver.

Uploaded by on Feb 4, 2012
NU'EST OFFICIAL FACEBOOK Open Message _English Ver.

OMO why do they have to be so cute????
And why must I be so shallow???
NU'EST Valentine Day Event

Uploaded by on Feb 22, 2012
뉴이스트(NU'EST)가 쏜다★
뉴이스트와 많은 팬분들이 함께한 행복한 발렌타인데이!
즐거운 이벤트 현장이 담긴 동영상을 지금 재생해보세요^^

I give.......
Damn you Diba >.>


  1. YAH! It's all your fault Diba!
    Is this your revenge for what I did to you with SHINee???
    LOL! ^.~

  2. You have no idea how much I laughed at this post XDDD YOU ARE SO WEAK! :P
    I love Face, though, and I hope they keep it up^^

    Btw that dude on the right he's US, no?

  3. MIA! I weak, I admit it lol.
    weak and worse! shallow >.<
    where were you yesterday??? Not seeing you fangirling over SHINee was like....well like a day without sunshine! ^.~
